Download this image: Armbian_23.09_Nezha_sid_current_6.1.0_xfce_desktop.img From here: and burn on sd. 1) On first boot, when the graphical login starts, do CTRL+ALT+F2 and login with root/1234 Follow all the text only wizard, configure pass for root, add your user, choose locale, don't configure wifi 2) I advice also doing a "systemctl disable unattended-upgrades" 3) Then to configure wireless go back to the graphical session (you can go back at it with CTRL+ALT+F7) login with your user, open a terminal emulator, "sudo bash -ls" and then do: armbian-config -> WiFi -> Wi-Fi -> enter and put password -> Quit -> Back -> Exit 4) growpart -v /dev/mmcblk0 2 ; reboot 5) resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2 ; reboot (this will take a long time, for some reason the automatic resize didn't kick in) 6) mkdir /home/user/src ; cd src ; wget ; tar xvfz tyrquake-0.71.tar.gz sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt install libx11-dev libpulse-dev libxext-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl-dev cd tyrquake-0.71 ; make 7) sudo apt install cwm xterm xfonts-terminus 8) let's configure cwm because xfce weights too much for this sbc: nano -w .cwmrc ################################################################## <- cut here unbind-key all fontname "terminus:pixelsize=14:bold" sticky yes borderwidth 1 color activeborder "dimgray" color inactiveborder "dimgray" color selfont "black" color font "gray" color menubg "black" color menufg "gray" command quake1-single_player "/home/user/" command xtermgray "xterm -u8 -en en_US.UTF-8 -ls +sb -bg black -fg gray -fn -xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" command xtermorange "xterm -u8 -en en_US.UTF-8 -ls +sb -bg black -fg orange -fn -xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" command xtermcyan "xterm -u8 -en en_US.UTF-8 -ls +sb -bg black -fg cyan -fn -xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" command xtermgreen "xterm -u8 -en en_US.UTF-8 -ls +sb -bg black -fg green -fn -xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" ################################################################## <- cut here 9) now we will create the launch file for quake: nano -w ################################################################## <- cut here /home/user/src/tyrquake-0.71/bin/tyr-quake -nocdaudio -basedir /home/user/tyrquake ################################################################## <- cut here chmod u+x 10) mkdir tyrquake tyrquake/id1 .tyrquake .tyrquake/id1 then put the original quake pak0.pak and pak1.pak inside the tyrquake/id1/ directory then I advice setting a low resolution in this way, or you can experiment from the in game menu, YMMV: nano -w .tyrquake/id1/video.cfg ################################################################## <- cut here vid_bpp "24.000000" vid_fullscreen "1.000000" vid_height "480.000000" vid_refreshrate "75.000000" vid_render_resolution_height "480.000000" vid_render_resolution_scale "2.000000" vid_render_resolution_width "640.000000" vid_vsync "1.000000" vid_width "640.000000" vid_window_centered "1" vid_window_remember_position "1" vid_window_x "560.000000" vid_window_y "240.000000" ################################################################## <- cut here then put the file mangopi_quake_config_cfg.txt inside .tyrquake/id1/ and rename it config.cfg 11) At the graphical login select the cwm session instead of lxde, it will be much lighter.